Tradycja wysyłania życzeń na Wielkanoc to jeden z najsympatyczniejszych zwyczajów w naszym kraju. Wszyscy cieszymy się z otrzymanych kartek świątecznych czy choćby kilku miłych słów przesłanych drogą elektroniczną. Podpowiadamy, jak napisać piękne życzenia wielkanocne po angielsku.
Zanim zasiądziesz do napisania tekstu życzeń, zastanów się, kto będzie ich adresatem. Jeżeli sięgasz po język angielski, istnieje spora szansa, że musisz wziąć pod uwagę potencjalne różnice kulturowe. Jest to szczególnie istotne, jeśli zamierzasz złożyć życzenia swoim partnerom biznesowym lub klientom z innego kraju i wolisz uniknąć gafy. Zdecyduj więc, jaki styl życzeń będzie najbardziej odpowiedni: życzenia formalne, zabawny sms lub email, tekst o zabarwieniu religijnym czy może interesujący cytat?
Następnie możesz skorzystać z jednego z gotowych wzorów, które podajemy poniżej.
Przesyłając życzenia np. swojemu szefowi, pracownikom lub osobie, której dobrze nie znasz, warto sięgnąć po bezpieczną formę, czyli język formalny. Oto kilka przykładów.
I hope that you and your staff will have a wonderful Easter celebration. Have a pleasant time with your families!
This is to inform that our business will be closed for the Easter. Have a wonderful time!
Thank you for all your hard work. We are happy you are part of our team. Have a blessed Easter!
Jeśli szukasz inspiracji do napisania zabawnego smsa do przyjaciela lub rodziny, znajdziesz kilka poniżej.
Beware of Easter bunny! It brings tons of chocolate and beautiful time with your family!
Knock-knock! Who’s there? Easter. Easter who? Easter-Feaster-Turns-You-in-Lazy-Chocolate-Seastar!
I hope you either survive or resurrect from the chocolate fever that’s about to happen. Happy Easter!
Mądry lub zabawny cytat to rozwiązanie, które sprawdzi się w każdej sytuacji. Może wybierzesz któryś z poniższych?
Martin Luther: “Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.”
Victor Hugo: “Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. The reappearance of the of the light is the same as the survival of the soul.”
Saint Augustine: “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”
Jeśli w swoich życzeniach chcesz nawiązać do religijnego charakteru Wielkanocy, możesz skorzystać z poniższych pomysłów.
May your heart be full of gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I hope it brings the greatest feelings of recovery and joy.
Easter blessing to you! Hope the holiday season brings you sheer happiness and love. May the beauty of Easter warm your heart and and bring peace and joy to your family.
May the miracle of Christ’s resurrection fill our hearts with love, hope and blissful joy.
Mamy nadzieję, że ta nasza krótka “ściąga” z życzeniami wielkanocnymi po angielsku okaże się dla ciebie przydatna. Zapraszamy do udziału w naszych Easter Clubs w szkołach Speak Up oraz online, tam dowiesz się więcej o tym, jak obchodzona jest Wielkanoc w krajach anglojęzycznych.
Wesołych Świąt!
Potrzebujesz lepiej znać angielski?
Chcesz dodatkowych wskazówek?
Easter greetings in English - celebrate with Speak Up!
The tradition of sending Easter greetings is one of the nicest customs in Poland. We are all happy when an Easter card arrives or at least a few warm words via email. Today we want to share with you some hints on how to write beautiful Easter greetings in English.
Before you sit down to creating the text of your greetings, think about who is going to be their recipient? If you reach for English, there is a good chance you should take into consideration potential cultural differences. It is especially important when you want to send Easter greetings to your business partners or customers from a different country and you don’t want any faux pas. You need to decide then what register will be the most appropriate: formal, a funny text message or email, a religious text or maybe an interesting quotation?
Having done that, you may use one of our ready-to-use templates that you will find below.
When you want to wish “Happy Easter” to your boss, employees or somebody you don’t really know, it might be a good idea to stick to the safest option, i.e. formal register. Here come a few examples.
I hope that you and your staff will have a wonderful Easter celebration. Have a pleasant time with your families!
This is to inform that our business will be closed for the Easter. Have a wonderful time!
Thank you for all your hard work. We are happy you are part of our team. Have a blessed Easter!
If you are looking for some inspiration to create a funny text message to your friends or family, you will find several examples below.
Beware of Easter bunny! It brings tons of chocolate and beautiful time with your family!
Knock-knock! Who’s there? Easter. Easter who? Easter-Feaster-Turns-You-in-Lazy-Chocolate-Seastar!
I hope you either survive or resurrect from the chocolate fever that’s about to happen. Happy Easter!
A wise or funny quotation is a universal solution. How about choosing one of these:
Martin Luther: “Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.”
Victor Hugo: “Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. The reappearance of the of the light is the same as the survival of the soul.”
Saint Augustine: “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”
If you want to allude to the religious origins of Easter, one of the following ideas might be useful.
May your heart be full of gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I hope it brings the greatest feelings of recovery and joy.
Easter blessing to you! Hope the holiday season brings you sheer happiness and love. May the beauty of Easter warm your heart and and bring peace and joy to your family.
May the miracle of Christ’s resurrection fill our hearts with love, hope and blissful joy.
We hope that you will find our short “cheatsheet” with Easter greetings in English useful. Why don’t you join one of our Easter Clubs in Speak Up schools and online, where you will learn more about the way Easter is celebrated in English-speaking countries?
Happy Easter!
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