Past Continuous - ćwiczenia

Past Continuous to czas, którego używamy, aby opisywać czynności, które trwały w określonym momencie lub przedziale czasu w przeszłości. Jeśli chcesz utrwalić umiejętności jego stosowania, pobierz i wydrukuj nasz zestaw testów - past continuous ćwiczenia do druku pdf. Na jego końcu znajdziesz klucz, który pozwoli Ci samodzielnie sprawdzić, czy udzieliłeś poprawnych odpowiedzi. 

Gramatyka czasu Past Continuous

Past Continuous testy do rozwiązywania

Zanim zaczniesz rozwiązywać ćwiczenia na Past Continuous, przypomnij sobie najważniejsze zasady tworzenia i używania tego czasu. Znajdziesz je w zakładce Gramatyka j. angielskiego na naszej stronie

Past Continuous - zdania twierdzące

Dla przypomnienia - zdania twierdzące w czasie Past Continuous tworzymy za pomocą operatora was/were i czasownika z końcówką -ing

Ćwiczenie 1

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.

  1. Yesterday at 8 pm I __________________ (watch) the news.
  2. The students __________________ (write) a test when I came in.
  3. It __________________ (rain) all day yesterday.
  4. My neighbour __________________ (play) loud music after 10 pm last night.
  5. The children __________________ (make) a lot of noise while they __________________ (play).
  6. I __________________ (sleep) when you phoned me.
  7. They __________________ (do) shopping when we saw them.
  8. You __________________ (talk) to our boss when I __________________ (work) on the report.
  9. My father __________________ (cut) grass while my mother __________________ (read) a book.
  10. Danny __________________ (play) computer games all day yesterday.

Past Continuous - zdania przeczące

Pamiętaj, że zdania przeczące w czasie Past Continuous budujemy, dodając not do operatora - wasn’t/weren’t. Czasownik ma końcówkę -ing

Ćwiczenie 2

Z podanych słów ułóż pełne zdania przeczące. Dodaj wszystkie niezbędne elementy.

  1. they / work / in the morning


  2. the sun / shine / yesterday


  3. I / clean the house / when you phoned me


  4. My friends / cook / all evening


  5. Betty and Jim / play tennis / yesterday at 5 pm


  6. the boy / play with Lego blocks / when the teacher came


  7. I hope / you / use my computer


  8. we / eat / during the class


  9. Monica / give a speech / at the conference


  10. he / talk / to us


Past Continuous - pytania 

Ćwiczenia pytań w Past Continuous poprzedźmy małym przypomnieniem - zdania pytające w tym czasie tworzymy przez inwersję.

Ćwiczenie 3

Ułóż pytania do pogrubionej części zdania.

  1. I was watching a horror movie yesterday.


  2. It was snowing yesterday between 4 and 8 pm.


  3. Our guests were sleeping in the living room.


  4. Sally was helping John yesterday.


  5. We were listening to the radio because we wanted to hear the news.


  6. I was running to school when we met. 


  7. Your daughter was eating ice-cream in the park.


  8. The old lady was walking very slowly.


  9. They were dancing for two hours!


  10. The teachers were having a meeting when I phoned the school.


Ćwiczenie 4

Uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi.

  1. Were you sleeping? Yes, ____________ .
  2. Was he working yesterday? No, ____________ .
  3. Were the people waiting outside? Yes, ____________ .
  4. Was I disturbing you? No, ____________ .
  5. Were the police chasing the criminal? Yes, ____________ .
  6. Was the sun shining in the morning? No, ____________ .
  7. Were you and Tom jogging last evening? Yes, ____________ .
  8. Were your neighbours renovating their house last week? No, ____________ .
  9. Was Miranda trying to talk to you 5 minutes ago? Yes, ____________ .
  10.  Was the Prime Minister giving a speech at noon? Yes, ____________ .

Past Continuous - ćwiczenia mieszane

Na zakończenie, sprawdź, jak poradzisz sobie z ćwiczeniem, które zawiera wszystkie typy zdań w Past Continuous. 

Ćwiczenie 5

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.

  1. When the boss came in I __________________ (not work).
  2. What __________________ (you / do) all day?
  3. Why __________________ (the baby / cry)?
  4. Tom and Minnie __________________ (drive) on holidays when their car broke down.
  5. A: __________________ (your teacher / mark) tests during the class? B: No, __________________ .
  6. The police officer stopped us when we __________________ (cross) the street.
  7. My dog __________________ (not bark) at night!
  8. At 3 pm on Monday our friends __________________ (sit) on a plane to Paris.
  9. When we arrived the children __________________ (not do) their homework. They __________________ (play) outside.
  10.  Who __________________ (laugh) so loud a moment ago? 


Past Continuous - klucz

Ćwiczenie 1

  1. was watching
  2. were writing
  3. was raining
  4. was playing
  5. were making, were playing
  6. was sleeping
  7. were doing
  8. were talking, was working
  9. was cutting grass, was reading
  10. was playing

Ćwiczenie 2

  1. They weren’t working in the morning.
  2. The sun wasn’t shining yesterday.
  3. I wasn’t cleaning the house when you phoned me.
  4. My friends weren’t cooking all evening.
  5. Betty and Jim weren’t playing tennis yesterday at 5 pm.
  6. The boy wasn’t playing with Lego blocks when the teacher came.
  7. I hope you weren’t using my computer.
  8. We weren't eating during the class.
  9. Monica wasn’t giving a speech at the conference.
  10. We weren’t eating during the class.

Ćwiczenie 3

  1. What were you watching yesterday?
  2. When was it snowing?
  3. Where were your guests sleeping?
  4. Who was Sally helping yesterday?
  5. Why were you listening to the radio?
  6. Where were you running when we met?
  7. Who was eating ice-cream in the park?
  8. How was the old lady walking?
  9. How long were they dancing?
  10.  Who was having a meeting when you phoned the school?

Ćwiczenie 4

  1. Yes, I was.
  2. No, he wasn’t.
  3. Yes, they were.
  4. No, you weren’t.
  5. Yes, they were.
  6. No, it wasn’t.
  7. Yes, we were.
  8. No, they weren’t.
  9. Yes, she was.
  10. Yes, he was.

Ćwiczenie 5

  1. wasn’t working
  2. were you doing
  3. was the baby crying
  4. were driving
  5. Was your teacher marking, he/she wasn’t
  6. were crossing
  7. wasn’t barking
  8. were sitting
  9. weren’t doing, were playing
  10. was laughing


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