Past Simple i Past Continuous - porównanie - ćwiczenia

Rozróżnienie Past Simple i Past Continuous sprawia Ci problem? Pomogą Ci nasze ćwiczenia na porównanie czasów! A jeśli najpierw chciałbyś powtórzyć teorię, wejdź na i przypomnij sobie zasady tworzenia zdań oraz stosowania czasu Past Simple i Past Continuous. 

Porównanie czasów Past Simple i Past Continuous - testy do rozwiązywania

Nasze ćwiczenia pomogą Ci samodzielnie wyćwiczyć różnicę w stosowaniu dwóch najważniejszych czasów przeszłych w języku angielskim. Po prostu pobierz je na swój komputer, wydrukuj, rozwiąż w dogodnym dla Ciebie czasie, a potem sprawdź odpowiedzi w załączonym kluczu.


Ćwiczenie 1

Wybierz poprawną opcję.

  1. John bought / was buying a new bicycle last week.
  2. Today at 5 am my daughter still slept / was still sleeping.
  3. When we arrived / were arriving, our parents watched / were watching TV.
  4. The train to Oxford departed / was departing 15 minutes ago.
  5. Mary didn’t use / wasn’t using the computer between four and five o’clock.
  6. It rained / was raining heavily when the car crashed / was crashing.
  7. Mike made / was making dinner when the telephone rang / was ringing.
  8. The children put on / were putting on their jackets and left / were leaving the house.
  9. The manager didn’t answer / wasn’t answering my question. 
  10. What did you do / were you doing when the murder happened? 

Ćwiczenie 2

Uzupełnij luki czasownikami w nawiasach w poprawnej formie.

  1. When I _______________ (see) Jim he _______________ (stand) at the bus stop.
  2. _______________ (it/snow) when you _______________ (wake up)?
  3. We _______________ (still / pack) our suitcases when our Uber _______________ (come).
  4. The children _______________ (not sleep) when I _______________ (come back) home from work.
  5. Betty _______________ (not work) all day yesterday.
  6. We _______________ (think) about moving to the countryside but finally we _______________ (decide) not to do it.
  7. While we _______________ (talk) we _______________ (see) Peter on the other side of the room.
  8. Our aunt Annie _______________ (visit) us at the weekend.
  9. Jeremy _______________ (break) his leg while he _______________ (ski).
  10. While Nina _______________ (watch) her favourite TV series I _______________ (relax) on the balcony with a book.

Ćwiczenie 3

Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.

  1. I was downloading some files when _______________ (mój komputer się zepsuł).
  2. _______________ (Czy ty rozmawiałeś) on your mobile phone during the lecture?
  3. _______________ (Dlaczego wasz pies szczekał) all night long?
  4. _______________ (Nie spałem) in the cinema! I just closed my eyes for a few moments.
  5. While you two _______________ (rozmawialiście) _______________ (skończyłam) preparing the presentation.
  6. _______________ (On poznał) his wife when he was a student.
  7. _______________ (Czy twoi studenci śmiali się) when you told them the joke?
  8. Samantha _______________ (pisała maila) when the manager called her.
  9. _______________ (Nie wiedzieliśmy) about the changes.
  10. _______________ (Co wy omawialiście) when I entered the room?

Ćwiczenie 4 

Popraw błędy w zdaniach.

  1. Alice was deciding to adopt a dog from a shelter.


  2. The government was announced new taxes last week.


  3. Erik read a book when I called him.


  4. Were you liking helping friends when you were a child?


  5. Our uncle were working in the garage when we arrived.


  6. Did you doing shopping yesterday?


  7. Were you often playing alone as a child?


  8. The police was stopping him while he was crossing the street at the red light.


  9. The Chinese wasn’t invent the electricity.


  10.  When the storm started the toursits weren’t knowing what to do.



Past Simple i Past Continuous - klucz

Ćwiczenie 1

  1. bought 
  2. was still sleeping
  3. arrived, were watching 
  4. departed
  5. wasn’t using 
  6. was raining, crashed
  7. was making, rang
  8. put on, left 
  9. didn’t answer
  10. were you doing 

Ćwiczenie 2

  1. saw, was standing
  2. was it snowing, woke up
  3. were still packing, came
  4. weren’t sleeping, came back
  5. wasn’t working
  6. were thinking, decided
  7. were talking, saw
  8. visted
  9. broke, was skiing
  10. was watching, was relaxing

Ćwiczenie 3

  1. my computer broke down/crushed
  2. Were you talking
  3. Why was your dog barking
  4. I wasn’t sleeping
  5. were talking, I finished
  6. He met
  7. Were your students laughing
  8. was writing an email 
  9. We didn’t know 
  10. What were you discussing

Ćwiczenie 4 

  1. Alice decided to adopt a dog from a shelter.
  2. The government announced new taxes last week.
  3. Erik was reading a book when I called him.
  4. Did you like helping friends when you were a child?
  5. Our uncle was working in the garage when we arrived.
  6. Did you do shopping yesterday?
  7. Did you often play alone as a child?
  8. The police stopped him while he was crossing the street at the red light.
  9. The Chinese didn’t invent the electricity.
  10. When the storm started the tourists didn’t know what to do.




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