Nasze testy na porównanie czasów przeszłych w języku angielskim pozwolą Ci zrozumieć i utrwalić różnice pomiędzy Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous oraz wyrażeniami used to oraz would + bezokolicznik. Jeśli chciałbyś sobie przypomnieć i usystematyzować zasady ich stosowania, koniecznie zajrzyj na
Porównanie czasów przeszłych testy do rozwiązywania
Jak pracować samodzielnie z naszymi testami na czasy przeszłe? Ćwiczenia w formie pliku pdf pobierz na komputer, wydrukuj, rozwiąż, a następnie sprawdź odpowiedzi w załączonym kluczu.

Ćwiczenie 1
Wybierz poprawną opcję: a, b lub c.
- How long _____ before she decided to take a break?
a) was Gina working b) had Gina been working c) did Gina use to work
- Your grandfather _____ every morning when he was younger.
a) was going jogging b) had gone jogging c) used to go jogging
- My daughter _____ with our dog when I came back home.
a) was playing b) would play c) played
- How many sandwiches _____ before they served dinner?
a) >did you eat b) had you eaten c) had you been eating
- What _____ yesterday between 3 and 5?
a) >was John doing b) did John use to do c) had John been doing
- Amanda _____ how to do her Maths homework yesterday.
a) >wasn’t knowing b) didn’t know c) hadn’t known
- Christopher Columbus _____ America in 1492.
a) had discovered b) would discover c) discovered
- I _____ for fifteen minutes when the phone rang.
a) had been sleeping b) was sleeping c) slept
- >How long _____ each other before they got married?
a) had they been knownig b) had they known c) did they know
- When Miranda was a student she _____ her grandparents every week.
a) was visiting b) had visited c) would visit
Ćwiczenie 2
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.
- The patients __________________ (wait) for the doctor for over two hours before he started seeing them.
- When __________________ (your son/finish) school? Was it in 2018?
- I __________________ (learn) to play the piano when I was a child but I don’t play anymore.
- __________________ (she/talk) to Steven when you saw her?
- We __________________ (buy) a new sofa last week.
- Betsy __________________ (reply) to more than 50 emails by the end of day.
- Before we returned home, we __________________ (relax) on the beach for over two hours.
- We __________________ (watch TV) when we heard the scream.
- Mark __________________ (woke up) long before I phoned him.
- He was tired when we met him because he __________________ (run).
Ćwiczenie 3
Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.
- __________________ (Podróżowaliśmy pociągiem) when we heard about the accident.
- __________________ (Zanim skończył kurs), Brian had learnt everything about cybersecurity.
- __________________ (Moja babcia uwielbiała oglądać) this TV series. She was very upset when it was cancelled.
- __________________ (Uczniowie pisali test) for about an hour when the light went out.
- William Shakespeare __________________ (napisał) many famous dramas and comedies.
- __________________ (Kiedy zacząłeś) working for this marketing company?
- __________________ (Nigdy wcześniej nie mieliśmy kota) so we weren’t sure how to take care of it.
- __________________ (Miałem w zwyczaju oglądać wiadomości) every evening. Now I don’t have time for that.
- The rescue team __________________ (znaleźli zaginionego turystę) before the storm started.
- Garry __________________ (grał w swoją ulubioną grę) when the computer broke down.
Ćwiczenie 4
Popraw błędy w zdaniach.
- We didn’t used to go on holidays abroad when we were children.
- I read a book while my sister chatted on the phone with her friend.
- Mark didn’t get enough sleep. He had worked all night to meet the deadline.
- Celine was coming home, opening the door and taking off her shoes.
- I would love to watch TV with my parents when I was a child.
- Did you know Jessica for long when you asked her to be your roommate?
- I was feeding my cats when my boss had phoned.
- Bella was nervous because she had never been travelling by plane before.
- How long did you learn English before you moved to London?
- By noon we were talking to three job candidates.

Czasy przeszłe - klucz
Ćwiczenie 1
- b) had Gina been working
- c) used to go jogging
- a) was playing
- b) had you eaten
- a)was John doing
- b) didn’t know
- c) discovered
- a) had been sleeping
- b) had they known
- c) would visit
Ćwiczenie 2
- had been waiting
- did your son finish
- used to learn
- Was she talking
- bought
- had replied
- had been relaxing
- were watching
- had woken up
- had been running
Ćwiczenie 3
- We were travelling by train
- Before he finished the course
- My grandmother loved/used to love watching
- The students had been writing the test
- wrote
- When did you start
- We had never had a cat before
- I used to/would watch the news
- had found
- was playing his favourite game
Ćwiczenie 4
- We didn’t use to go on holidays abroad when we were children.
- I was reading a book while my sister was chatting on the phone with her friend.
- Mark didn’t get enough sleep. He had been working all night to meet the deadline.
- Celine came home, opened the door and took off her shoes.
- I used to love/loved to watch TV with my parents when I was a child.
- Had you known Jessica for long when you asked her to be your roommate?
- I was feeding my cats when my boss phoned.
- Bella was nervous because she had never travelled by plane before.
- How long had you been learning English before you moved to London?
- By noon we had talked to three job candidates.