Past Perfect Continuous - ćwiczenia (exercises)

Past Perfect Continuous, czyli czas zaprzeszły ciągły stosowany jest w języku angielskim do mówienia o czynnościach, które trwały przez określony czas w przeszłości przed inną przeszłą czynnością, wydarzeniem lub datą.

Past Perfect Continuous testy do rozwiązywania

Nasz test “Past Perfect Continuous - ćwiczenia do druku w pdf” pomogą Ci samodzielnie utrwalić sposób budowania zdań w tym czasie. Wystarczy go pobrać, wydrukować, rozwiązać i sprawdzić odpowiedzi w załączonym kluczu. Nie zapomnij odświeżyć też swojej wiedzy teoretycznej. Przed rozwiązywaniem ćwiczeń z Past Perfect Continuous zajrzyj na

Past Perfect Continuous - zdania twierdzące

Czy pamiętasz jak tworzyć zdania twierdzące w czasie Past Perfect Continuous? Robimy to za pomocą operatora had been i czasownika z końcówką -ing


Ćwiczenie 1

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.

  1. We __________________ (wait) for over an hour before they let us in!
  2. Jeremy __________________ (sleep) the whole afternoon and then he went to the cinema.
  3. Our children __________________ (play) in the garden for some time when I called them in for dinner.
  4. I __________________ (read) emails for two hours before I started working on the new project.
  5. The teacher __________________ (explain) the tasks for ten minutes before the test started.
  6. The driver was very tired because he __________________ (drive) for 8 hours without a break.
  7. The boys were red in their faces because they __________________ (run).
  8. Mary __________________ (cook) all morning before her daughter’s birthday party.
  9. Before Mark set up his own company, he __________________ (work) as a sales representative for a few years. 
  10. It __________________ (rain) for two weeks before the flood.

Past Perfect Continuous - zdania przeczące

Zdania przeczące w Past Perfect Continuous tworzymy przez dodanie not do operatora had

Ćwiczenie 2

Zmień zdania twierdzące w przeczenia.

  1. They had been decorating the house for two months before moving in. 


  2. I had been making a lot of noise.


  3. Jack had been fighting with other boys at school.


  4. It had been snowing for two days before Christmas.


  5. We had been drinking coffee before the guests arrived.


  6. Sue had been taking lots of pictures before her camera was stolen.


  7. Ms Jones had been travelling a lot before she started work at school.


  8. The sun had been shining for a few days.


  9. We had been sailing for five days.


  10. The baseball players had been practising before the match.


Past Perfect Continuous - pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi

Pamiętaj, że pytania w czasie Past Perfect Continuous tworzymy przez inwersję.

Ćwiczenie 3

Ułóż pytania do pogrubionej części zdania.

  1. Andrew had been waiting in the hall.


  2. We had been trying to solve this problem for three days.


  3. The Browns had been staying in the hotel before they rented a flat.


  4. My neighbours were angry with me because my dog had been barking all night.


  5. We had been dancing before he came.


  6. I had been working at home before the accident happened.


  7. The students had been writing the exam for twenty minutes when the alarm went off.


  8. Workers had been protesting for many months.


  9. The patients had been sitting in the waiting room.


  10. Joe had been watching horror movies.


Ćwiczenie 4

Uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi.

  1. Had you been eating chocolate before dinner? Yes, ____________.
  2. Had I been sleeping long? No, ____________.
  3. Had you and your friend been travelling together? Yes, ____________.
  4. Had your sister been reading before going to work? No, ____________.
  5. Had we been talking about the new product before? Yes, ____________.
  6. Had your colleagues been helping you? No, ____________.
  7. Had it been snowing for weeks? Yes, ____________.
  8. Had they been quarrelling for a long time? Yes, ____________.
  9. Had Adam’s father been working in the garden before lunch? No, ____________.
  10. Had the cheetah been hunting before the sunrise? Yes, ____________.

Past Perfect Continuous - ćwiczenia mieszane

Na koniec sprawdź, jak poradzisz sobie, kiedy w jednym ćwiczeniu na Past Perfect Continuous pojawią się wszystkie typy zdań. 

Ćwiczenie 5

Przetłumacz frazy podane w nawiasach na język angielski.

  1. How long __________________ (ptaki śpiewały) before the cat scared them away?
  2. __________________ (pracował) for 12 hours that day. That's why he was so tired.
  3. I didn’t do my homework because __________________ (bawiłem się z psem).
  4. Bill __________________ (nie spał) longer than three hours.
  5. __________________ (Czy padał deszcz) before the car crashed? __________________ (Tak.)
  6. She felt more confident after __________________ (rozmawiała) with her boss for a few minutes.
  7. Her face was red because __________________ (biegała) in the park.
  8. Stop lying! I know you __________________ (nie pomagałeś) John before we met yesterday!
  9. Where __________________ (bawiły się dzieci) before you told them to come home?
  10. No, __________________ (nie oglądałem telewizji) last night before I went to bed! __________________ (Uczyłem się) for my English test at school.

Past Perfect Continuous - klucz

Ćwiczenie 1

  1. had been waiting
  2. had been sleeping
  3. had been playing 
  4. had been reading
  5. had been explaining
  6. had been driving
  7. had been running
  8. had been cooking
  9. had been working
  10. had been raining

Ćwiczenie 2

  1. They hadn’t been decorating the house for two months before moving in. 
  2. I hadn’t been making a lot of noise.
  3. Jack hadn’t been fighting with other boys at school.
  4. It hadn’t been snowing for two days before Christmas.
  5. We hadn’t been drinking coffee before the guests arrived.
  6. Sue hadn’t been taking lots of pictures before her camera was stolen.
  7. Ms Jones hadn’t been travelling a lot before she started work at school.
  8. The sun hadn’t been shining for a few days.
  9. We hadn’t been sailing for five days.
  10. The baseball players hadn’t been practising before the match.

Ćwiczenie 3

  1. Where had Andrew been waiting?
  2. How long had you/we been trying to solve this problem?
  3. Where had the Browns been staying before they rented a flat?
  4. Why had your neighbours been angry with you?
  5. When had you been dancing? 
  6. What had you been doing before the accident happened?
  7. How long had the students been writing the exam when the alarm went off?
  8. Who had been protesting for many months?
  9. Where had the patients been sitting?
  10. What had Joe been watching?

Ćwiczenie 4

  1. Yes, I had.
  2. No, you hadn’t.
  3. Yes, we had.
  4. No, she hadn’t.
  5. Yes, we had.
  6. No, they hadn’t
  7. Yes, it had.
  8. Yes, they had.
  9. No, he hadn’t.
  10. Yes, it had.

Ćwiczenie 5

  1. had the birds been singing
  2. He had been working
  3. I had been playing wit my dog
  4. hadn’t been sleeping
  5. Had it been raining, Yes, it had.
  6. she had been talking
  7. she had been running
  8. hadn’t been helping
  9. had the children been playing
  10.  I hadn’t been watching TV, I had been learning


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