Strona bierna w czasach Continuous jest dość ciekawym, choć mniej powszechnym elementem gramatycznym języka angielskiego. Jej zrozumienie wymaga znajomości zarówno strony biernej (passive voice), jak i czasów ciągłych (continuous tenses), a jej stosowanie pozwala na subtelne manipulowanie naciskiem w wypowiedzi. Jest to przykład elastyczności i bogactwa języka angielskiego, pozwalającego na wyrażanie myśli w różnorodny sposób.
Kiedy używamy strony biernej w czasach Continuous w angielskim
Zacznijmy od przypomnienia. Strona bierna w języku angielskim (Passive voice) to konstrukcja zdaniowa, w której podmiot zdania nie jest bezpośrednim sprawcą działania, lecz doświadcza tego działania. W zdaniu biernym akcent kładzie się na tym, co się dzieje, a nie na tym, kto wykonuje daną czynność. Na przykład, w zdaniu 'The cake was eaten' (Ciasto zostało zjedzone), ciasto jest podmiotem, które "doświadcza" działania, a nie jest wykonawcą. W czasach Continuous, takich jak Present Continuous (czas teraźniejszy ciągły) czy Past Continuous (czas przeszły ciągły), strona bierna konstruowana jest poprzez połączenie formy 'to be’ w odpowiednim czasie ciągłym z czasownikiem w formie imiesłowu biernego (past participle). Na przykład:
- Present Continuous Passive: The book is being read. - Książka jest czytana (właśnie teraz).
- Past Continuous Passive: The song was being sung. - Piosenka była śpiewana (w pewnym momencie w przeszłości).
Kiedy strona bierna w czasach continuous
Użycie strony biernej w czasach Continuous jest stosunkowo rzadkie i zazwyczaj ogranicza się do sytuacji, w których chcemy podkreślić trwające w czasie działanie, które jest wykonane na podmiocie. Jest to szczególnie przydatne w sytuacjach, gdy sprawca działania jest nieznany lub nieistotny. Uwaga, nie wszystkie czasowniki w języku angielskim mogą być używane w stronie biernej. Czasowniki, które nie przyjmują obiektu bezpośredniego - czasowniki nieprzechodnie, takie jak 'sleep' (spać) czy 'arrive' (przybyć), nie mogą tworzyć strony biernej.
Strona bierna w czasach continuous ćwiczenia pdf
Zestaw ćwiczeń “strona bierna w czasach continuous - ćwiczenia do druku w pdf” to doskonała pomoc w samodzielnej nauce. Pobierz materiał, wydrukuj i rozwiąż, a następnie sprawdź odpowiedzi w załączonym na końcu kluczu. Ćwiczenia pozwolą powtórzyć i ugruntować wiedzę z tego zakresu.
Ćwiczenie 1
Przekształć poniższe zdania na stronę bierną w czasie Present Continuous.
Na przykład: They are painting the house. - The house is being painted.
- The chefs are preparing the meal.
- The workers are fixing the road.
- The teacher is explaining the lesson.
- The mechanic is repairing the car.
- The artist is drawing a portrait.
- The scientists are conducting an experiment.
- The children are making a snowman.
Ćwiczenie 2
Przekształć poniższe zdania na stronę bierną w czasie Future Continuous.
Na przykład: They will be holding a meeting. - A meeting will be being held.
- The technician was fixing the computer.
- The gardener was planting flowers.
- The teacher was marking tests.
- The construction workers were building a house.
- The tailor was making a dress.
- The plumber was fixing a leak.
- The journalists were interviewing a celebrity.
Ćwiczenie 3
Przekształć poniższe zdania na stronę bierną w czasach Continuous.
- The gardener was watering the plants yesterday evening.
- A team of engineers is currently designing a new eco-friendly vehicle.
- The musicians will be performing a new song at the concert tomorrow night.
- The tailor is altering a suit as we speak.
- The students will be conducting a survey next week.
- A group of students from the local university will be organising a charity marathon next month.
- The developers are creating a new app at this very moment.
- The mechanic is fixing the bike at the moment.
- The writers were drafting a script over the past few days.
- An experienced carpenter is crafting custom furniture for a boutique right now.
- The chef was preparing a new recipe this morning.
- Expert biologists in the national laboratory were studying rare plant species throughout last year.
- A team of archaeologists was unearthing ancient artefacts at the site last summer.
- A renowned artist is painting a landscape for the city's new museum currently.
- The teachers will be discussing the curriculum during the meeting next Wednesday.
- The tour guide will be leading the group on the tour tomorrow.
- The children were building a sandcastle on the beach last Saturday.
- The scientists were analysing the data during the recent study.
- The team is organising a charity event right now.
- The architects will be planning a new building starting early next year.
Ćwiczenie 1
- The meal is being prepared by the chefs.
- The road is being fixed by the workers.
- The lesson is being explained by the teacher.
- The car is being repaired by the mechanic.
- A portrait is being drawn by the artist.
- An experiment is being conducted by the scientists.
- A snowman is being made by the children.
Ćwiczenie 2
- The computer was being fixed by the technician.
- Flowers were being planted by the gardener.
- Tests were being marked by the teacher.
- A house was being built by the construction workers.
- A dress was being made by the tailor.
- A leak was being fixed by the plumber.
- A celebrity was being interviewed by the journalists.
Ćwiczenie 3
- The plants were being watered by the gardener yesterday evening.
- A new eco-friendly vehicle is being designed by a team of engineers currently.
- A new song will be being performed by the musicians at the concert tomorrow night.
- A suit is being altered by the tailor as we speak.
- A survey will be being conducted by the students next week.
- A charity marathon will be being organised by a group of students from the local university next month.
- A new app is being created by the developers at this very moment.
- The bike is being fixed by the mechanic at the moment.
- A script was being drafted by the writers over the past few days.
- Custom furniture for a boutique is being crafted by an experienced carpenter right now.
- A new recipe was being prepared by the chef this morning.
- Rare plant species were being studied by expert biologists in the national laboratory throughout last year.
- Ancient artefacts were being unearthed at the site by a team of archaeologists last summer.
- A landscape for the city's new museum is being painted by a renowned artist currently.
- The curriculum will be being discussed by the teachers during the meeting next Wednesday.
- The group will be being led by the tour guide on the tour tomorrow.
- A sandcastle was being built by the children on the beach last Saturday.
- The data was being analysed by the scientists during the recent study.
- A charity event is being organised by the team right now.
- A new building will be being planned by the architects starting early next year.